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Cool with purified air. Not dirty air.

Our personal purifier fan is engineered to help improve your air quality. It projects cooling, filtered air – wherever you need it.

A woman reads to her son, next to a Dyson personal purifier fan

Homes can be up to 7X more polluted than the air outside1

Everyday items in our homes release potentially harmful microscopic particles. Our sealed filters help remove them from the air around you.

Man working in a home office, surrounded by sources of indoor air pollution
  • Harnessing the airflow

    Powerful jets of air are propelled through narrow apertures. The air travels across the convex surface of the dome.

  • High-pressure core

    The jets of air travel across the dome at high velocity. As they converge, a pressure core forms.

  • Focused projection

    The jets of air are forced to steer around the high-pressure core. They coalesce to project a focused stream of purified air.

Captures gases and pollutants. And keeps them trapped.

The machine's sealed filter combines an activated carbon and glass HEPA layer. Together, they capture gases and 99.95% of ultrafine particles from the air.2

Dyson HEPA and activated carbon purifier filters

Focused airflow, at your fingertips

Precisely control your airflow. By adjusting the dome's position, you can angle the flow higher or lower.

Hand reaching out to refocus airflow with Dyson Core Flow technology
  • Smooth 70˚ oscillation

    Set your machine to rotate from side to side, to deliver airflow through a 70˚ range.

  • A comfortable night's sleep

    At night, you can set the sleep timer anywhere between 30 minutes and 8 hours. So you can keep cool and comfortable while you rest.

  • Easy filter maintenance

    Built-in reminders show you when your filter needs changing. It’s quick and easy to do, to ensure your machine is always working at its best.3

  • See your machine's status

    The LCD screen shows your airflow speed, modes and filter life.

1Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's 'National Indoor Air Field Survey Report', Summer 2013. Indoor and outdoor ratio based on the median value of 12 types of VOCs.
22Tested for filtration efficiency at 0.1 microns (EN1822). Gaseous capture rates vary.
3Based on time used. Filter life varies according to pollution levels.